Department of Civil Engineering, BUET


Client: Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Location: BUET Central Road, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Photography: Al-Amin Abu Ahmed Ashraf-Dolon
Year: 2020

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is known for its commitment to be the best when it comes to providing higher education in engineering in Bangladesh and with it, comes one of the largest and oldest departments in the university – the Department of Civil Engineering. The department facilitates four majors: Structural Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Transportation Engineering. This is a leading academic department in the country due to the outstanding graduates it is producing, its various research activities and its extensive involvement in countless important national development projects. Department of Civil Engineering (CE) and Department of Water Resources Engineering (WRE) are two departments of Faculty of Civil Engineering.

The Design concept was to focus on all the majors and activities facilitated by the department as well as major projects and structures of Bangladesh in which the department had been involved. The mural is installed on the large wall along the lofty staircase in the main lobby of the Civil Department Building. The intention was to create a vibrant ambiance within the lofty space and make the journey by the stairs an enjoyable and memorable one.